lundi 5 janvier 2009

January, I can't wait to see what happens

January 2009, I am going back to work tomorrow, but really, it started today. Because you can not feel on holiday on Monday 5th January, when you know you should be preparing all these lessons.

When does a teacher think? I suppose it depends, for me, the gym is a great place. Despite the very loud music (I wish I had the courage to ask them to turn it down), there are thousands of thoughts that come to mind, like: "I hope I won't have anyone else cancelling his/her lessons permanently this week, I hope everyone will pay me early-earlier, I hope the witch will be nice tomorrow, I hope I can get up, I'm going to have a great time reading in the tube' (about Imago therapy, if you want to know) etc.

My first ride of the year in the tube was today, to go to and back from the gym. A single stop ride, but a few things happened: I've learnt that I've already spent my transfered money (from my lost card to my new card) in December, therefore, I had to buy my first monthly oyster of the year, and was happily surprised to see that the rise was only of about £1.60.

What else did I think about today?

At last I finished these chocolates, I'm eating no more.

It's great that I have a lot of new students in January and to see the usual ones resuming this week and next. I've missed them, or 99% of them rather.

It's freezing in my flat, bless the electrical radiator.

Why do I still live in a place without isolation and heating functioning properly? (because the landlord is very flexible and I'm very near the tube station, this is priceless).

I still haven't rung my mum to say 'Bonne année', she must be sulking..

When am I going to pay some rent? Tomorrow I think.

Is this Turkish guy contacting me for French lessons really wants French lessons or a new girlfriend? After many years of practice, it's quite easy to spot the timewasters, and there are ways to dissuade these.

How nice it is to start a new year with the person I finished 2008 with.

Start the text of my website.

This week shall be very interesting, à plus!

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